My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Obedience is the fruit of love.
There is a moral condition that we must fulfil in order to receive what the Lord has promised us.
The Lord invites us to remain with him in a true communion of love and obedience, so that our hearts will be open to the action of the Holy Spirit that he will announce to us.
God’s will is in his word, in his commandments.
In the New Covenant, God writes his commandments in our hearts.
These commandments do not depend on our external circumstances.
So, whether we are married or single, working or living,
obeying God’s word, his commandments, is the most important thing in our lives.
God is looking for people who love him so much that they obey him instead of doing their own will.
And just as promised, the Spirit came upon the believers on the day of Pentecost.
On that day, the Church was formed, and the Spirit dwelt in it.
It is made up of all those who believe in Jesus, the Son of God. Since then, the Holy Spirit has been present on earth.
He will remain there until the day when the Church is taken up into heaven to meet her Lord.
Jesus promised that the Spirit would remain eternally with the Church.
She is his temple; he dwells in her.
It is the Spirit who unites all believers, the body of Christ.
The Spirit of God also dwells in each individual believer, and will never leave him.
John, 14:16 – And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever,
Fast and pray for RMI
It is at the Son’s request that the Father will send the Comforter.
So both the Father and the Son are involved in sending the Comforter.
These are the words of comfort and edification for the soul that were spoken by Jesus before His ascension.
He knew the disciples would miss him; so when he comes,
he’ll live in our hearts, and we won’t have to look for him or feel his absence.
Instead of walking the streets with us, he will walk the streets in us.
Let’s just know that the Lord has prepared everything for the ministry to enter its resting place.
Let’s not be worried, our God is with us all the time.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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