My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

As Christians, we realise that the Lord asks us to renounce our past, and he is radical about it.
For us, it’s too hard, too harsh and too unfair.
Leaving the things that have always been part of our lives doesn’t stop at passions alone, but also at relationships, friends
traditions of friends and family,
behaviours that we have to let go of.
It’s a heartbreak because we don’t understand God’s will.
Too many temptations surround us in this world.
We are too exposed, especially young people, and if they are not disciplined
they will fall into temptation.
God does not want us to fall into temptation and he gives us the resources to be victorious.
Let us never stop asking God for the strength to overcome a trial in our prayers,
God’s word strengthens our faith, so let’s read it.
Also, let’s stop doing things to please ourselves, the Lord asks us to flee,
to cut ourselves off from certain relationships,
to know how to disconnect from the internet when necessary,
to turn off the TV when we are faced with obscene scenes.
Timothy was young, and Paul did not hesitate to advise him to flee the passions of youth,
a warning against the sins of the flesh, and more particularly in everything to do with sensuality and lust.
As children of God, we are not only going to separate ourselves from these vices, we are also going to put them to death,
eradicate them from our lives.
There was a rich man in the Bible whom Jesus asked to sell his possessions and follow him.
The rich man didn’t have the courage,
he was attached to his possessions,
He saw them as glory.
Passions have such an impact on us that they make us slaves to ourselves. We are more than attached,
we are infected with the virus of passion. As a result, to flee is to go against nature in order to change our lives and follow Christ.
It’s really a struggle to run away, to let go and give up.
It’s difficult for many of us to let go of certain passions.
In any case, we have to choose between our passions and God.
Let’s have the courage to say to our passions: *bye bye, we don’t want this servitude any more, it’s over, we’ve chosen Jesus.
2 Timothy, 2:22 – Flee from youthful passions and seek righteousness, faith, love and peace with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart.
Pray to dissociate yourself from destructive passions.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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