My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Let’s shout for joy,
Lift him up,
Bless him,
Acclaim him,
He reigns,
he reigns over all nations and all times,
Let us sing songs of joy.
His faithfulness has again knocked at our doors,
His love has overcome our ingratitude,
Applause for whom??????
Applause for whom????
Who’s like you, Dad?
We are so grateful,
We are grateful for this victory.
We want to honour it on our knees,
We want to adore him prostrate.
We are not worthy but you, but you, you are definitely complete and perfect.
We give you all the glory, Lord.
We are coming to the end of the first half of the year.
What have we received?
What is our testimony?
Where is our evidence?
Don’t we need to take stock?
In any case, let’s sit down, we must sit down, the Lord wants to take stock.
He wants the report,
he wants to know if we have evolved,
He wants to know if we have gained in experience and maturity.
It’s a new season, and the Lord wants to know what we have done with the gifts and talents he has entrusted to us.
He wants us to be confident,
he wants to encourage us to participate and allow us to express our needs,
he wants to establish a system of democracy in his kingdom.
So let us feel privileged,
we are a chosen people.
We would therefore like to wish ourselves an excellent start to the month that the Lord has christened “our month of Accountability”.
Luke, 16:10 – He who is faithful in the least is faithful also in the greatest, and he who is unjust in the least is unjust also in the greatest.
Accountability means responsibility, transparency, integrity…
The Lord has made everything easy for us and we sometimes think that we are free to do what we want,
We owe him our lives, so we must be accountable to him for the way we manage them.
Many times we have neglected what the Lord has put in us, we have taken lightly the glory of God in our lives, trying to control from God rather than letting him show us the direction.
Here is his vision for us to run with this month, Luke, 16:10 – He who is faithful in the least is faithful also in the greatest, and he who is unjust in the least is unjust also in the greatest.
God doesn’t need us to be supermen, he gives us advice, he puts us before a condition we don’t know about.
It is in the little that we trample that God sees our loyalty and faithfulness,
It is in this little that he pours out multiplication.
Let’s not be afraid to start on the scale of one, it’s by taking seriously what the Lord has entrusted to us that he will develop.
So we need to stay focused so that the Lord gives us wisdom and understanding in our actions this month.
We must remain at the feet of the Lord so that he fills us with fresh oil during this time.
James, 4:17 – He therefore who knows how to do what is right and does not do it commits sin.
Pray for wisdom and intelligence to act rightly.
Sin is not only lies and pride,
sin is also failing to do what is right,
it’s refusing to bring love to those around us,
it means being insensitive to the pain of others…
So, brothers and sisters, let us return to the Lord; we are the flock of his pasture,
he is the shepherd,
let us follow him,
let us listen to him.
May June 2024 be fruitful for each of us.
Thank you Holy Spirit
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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