My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

When we are faced with a situation of shame or when we realise the damage we have done, most of us don’t take responsibility.
We find excuses to justify our weaknesses.
It’s hard for us to accept our faults because we like to be appreciated. Our pride loses us and prevents us from humbling ourselves and acknowledging our transgressions.
And it’s not just today; it was to Adam that God gave the instruction about the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden,
It was to man that the Lord gave the responsibility of ensuring that everything was in order, so it was he who had to give an account.
One thing happened in the Garden of Eden: the serpent seduced Eve, Adam’s wife, and convinced her to eat the forbidden fruit in order to be like God.
She did just that and gave some to her husband Adam.
When God came down to look at the situation and take stock, Adam, instead of repenting,
instead of asking forgiveness, he started making accusations,
he blamed the Lord for having given him a wife.
Adam refused to take responsibility, even though he was supposed to be the authority in his house,
He is the head, but he disengaged from his role and put his wife centre stage.
The Lord asks us to learn to take responsibility, not to run away from it.
So, in the face of sin, we are so small, so weak, so foolish, so useless, but if we also knew how to go and lie down at the Lord’s feet, we would certainly be exceptional people.
Job, 19:4 – If I have sinned, I alone am responsible.
Take responsability for sin.
Taking responsibility means taking responsibility for your words, actions, decisions and thoughts.
It also means facing up to things and not blaming others.
At some point, you have to become an adult and leave childhood behind.
It can be frightening and we often choose to run away rather than take responsibility.
We disengage easily,
we don’t keep our word,
we turn our coat, we put the blame on someone else.
We prefer to bury our heads in the sand. Let’s pray to God to renew our thinking so that we can become mature and responsible people.
Job understood this and he didn’t intend to take it out on others.
If he goes through anything, it’s his fault, not the Lord’s. That’s what we should do.
That’s what we should be doing.
Good morning to you all
Have a nice day

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