My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

How many words can escape from our mouths?
We have no control, no restraint, no tact…
Sometimes it’s lies just to get attention,
Sometimes it’s just pride to get the credit,
As long as we say nice things, we’re in the clear.
The beauty of words is no guarantee of the damage they can cause.
Words affect our daily lives,
they affect our destiny,
they can even lead us away from blessing.
They’re just words, sometimes for fun, but our tongue is an organ we can’t control.
And it’s not because we serve Jesus that we have to say and do everything,
It’s even because we are children of the promise that we need to be more careful.
There’s a story in God’s word that might interest us.
David sinned,
he took another man’s wife,
He went so far as to kill Uriah, Bath Sheba’s husband, out of lust.
He used his authority as king to satisfy his ego.
God looked on,
God was disappointed and David thought he was safe from punishment, even though he was the leader.
Here is the Lord speaking to Nathan about exposing his servant David.
Beloved, Nathan is a prophet,
he prays, he has a relationship with the Lord, but if he comes to confront king David in any way, death will ensue.
So it’s up to Nathan to use his wisdom to accomplish the mission to which he has been assigned.
Nathan chooses his words carefully; he is very careful about everything he says,
he is meticulous about his speech,
He has to find a way of getting his message across without offending the King.
If Nathan is not careful and introduces the problem directly, without any fuss, David can kill him and repent later.
God will forgive David and where will Nathan be? Two metres under the ground and Jesus will still be glorified.
To say what?
To say that we must be careful with our words.
They are sometimes hurtful, sad, bitter, disappointing and almost never painted with love, tolerance, gentleness and patience…
At every moment, all the time, let’s be careful with our mouths…
Matthew, 12:36 – I tell you, on the day of judgment men will give account for every idle word they have spoken.
Matthew, 12:37 – For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
Pray to watch over your words at all times.
There will come a time when we will justify the bad and ugly words we have spoken.
It is with our words that the Lord will judge us worthy of the kingdom or not.
If our words have toppled the Lord’s edifice, we’re in trouble, but if heaven celebrates our collaboration, our crowns will be certain.
It’s up to us…
Good morning to you all
Good day to you all

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