My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

It’s easy for us to talk about love in general terms, but it’s hard to demonstrate it for each other in practical situations.
How we relate to others is important, especially if we allow God’s spirit to direct our lives in God’s love.
We are children of God but our sinful nature plays tricks on us and we can find ourselves falling or caught in some fault.
We are not perfect and it is possible for us to make mistakes,
and if we think we are strong, pride will kill us.
Today’s verse sheds some light on this,
It gives us guidance on how to deal with our neighbours.
Galatians, 6:1 – Brethren, if a man is caught in any fault, you who are spiritual set him right in a spirit of gentleness. Take care of yourself, lest you also be tempted.
Pray for every brother/sister who truly repents.
The spiritual are those who allow themselves to be led by the Spirit.
Paul is talking here about those who walk by the Spirit and are led by the Spirit, which should be the case for all Christians.
Set it right= fix it,
heal it,
bring it back to its former condition of health or truth, restore it,
put it in order, restore it to its former condition, in which it was before it fell,
put it back on its feet.
The Lord advises us to opt for a spirit of gentleness,
Are we able to go with gentleness knowing that someone’s fault is breaking something in our lives?
Our first reaction is anger, a spirit of judgement and condemnation.
We rage,
we point fingers, we indulge in malicious gossip, we feel like despising the person in our heart.
All these attitudes are sinful.
We must fight them within ourselves and overcome them by the Spirit.
We must seek to restore the offender to the right path.
We must not look down on those who have fallen with a sense of superiority, because we know that the capacity to commit sin, whatever it may be, lies within each one of us.
Too often we look down on others when they fall. However, this is not how we act when we walk by the Spirit.
Instead, we want to help the sinner with the same compassion that we like to see shown to us when we fall.
A Christian who has fallen into sin doesn’t need to be crushed, he needs to be gently restored.
The right thing to do is to help him confess his sins and find forgiveness in Jesus Christ, and then welcome him back into the fellowship of the Church.
Let’s not use accusations and condemnations to try to restore a brother; it won’t do any good.
Let’s use gentleness instead.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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