My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

Serving God does not mean being lazy,
It doesn’t mean losing sight of the responsibility of your daily life.
This is what happened in the church in Thessalonica,
there were Christians in the congregation who refused to do their bit,
who refused to work,
who refused to earn a living.
For them, there wasn’t much to do other than evangelise and study the word of God.
Work is also a gift from God to provide for our needs. Work is a gift from God so that we can serve one another.
2 Thessalonians 3:10 – For when we were among you, we said to you expressly, If anyone does not want to work, let him not eat either.
Pray that you do not run away from your responsibilities.
Paul took his time to warn us, but we didn’t listen to his advice.
When Paul was with us, he gave us this order.
In other words, he had already told us.
He didn’t say it just once,
he told us all the time.
It’s quite simple, if someone doesn’t want to work, they shouldn’t eat either, it’s a divine truth.
The church in Thessalonica didn’t have a problem of ignorance,
it didn’t have a problem of incapacity, it didn’t have a problem of opportunities, it could work, so if we have all that and we continue to foster laziness,
we don’t eat as well, that’s all.
That’s the Christian view.
In fact, the apostle Paul says that if someone does not provide not only for himself but also for his family,
he is worse than an unbeliever because even unbelievers do that.
What he is saying is that even non-believers work to provide for their own.
Lord, give us to be active for your glory,
let nothing make us shirk our responsibilities.
We bless you, Father.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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