My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We are not born loyal,
it has to be learned,
it has to be cultivated,
it is maintained…
It’s a term we don’t necessarily understand, but we’re proud of it because we count ourselves among the called.
We can only really gauge our capacity for loyalty when we’re going through a bad patch.
Loyalty means remaining constant,
Loyalty means always giving a good testimony so that the other is honoured,
Loyalty is also the ministry of presence, whatever the circumstances.
Peter did not plan to deny Jesus.
He loved his master,
he was always ready to defend him,
he was far from imagining that, as men, we can’t control anything,
The enemy always lurks to tempt us in our moments of weakness and when Jesus found himself in the hands of the Pharisees, betrayed by Judah.
Peter looked at all the troubles around him,
he measured the harsh trials of Jesus’ arrest,
he was frightened by the tenacity of the hatred that was being stirred up.
Everyone had to panic,
everyone had to flee, we are made of flesh and on three occasions he confirmed that he did not belong to the kingdom of God because he wanted to preserve himself.
Very quickly, we will say that we cannot be Stones,
We are more sophisticated, more cunning, and what’s more, Peter could have done otherwise because Jesus had warned him.
Peter wept,
he regretted his action,
he wasn’t responsible,
he had acted like a coward,
But Jesus always knows that we have moments of slackness and he anticipated our sin, he prayed for us.
Peter’s weeping was a representation of his lack of loyalty.
He was unable to support a friend in distress,
he didn’t have the courage to face his enemies to support a brother,
he simply refused to pay the price for the safety and comfort of his fellow man.
Loyalty is not only when everything is going well, but also when everything around us has collapsed,
when all seems lost…
That’s when we come to encourage, to lift up…
And that’s what Jesus is all about, loyal and faithful…
Always there, no matter how desperate and disappointed we feel,
Always there, no matter how bitter or unsuccessful.
He will never abandon us,
He will never abandon us,
He is always there.
His loyalty is unquestionable, indisputable, indestructible…
And it is the God we serve and adore who is able to restore the impossibilities on our tables.
Luke, 16:13 – No servant can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will cling to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
Fast and pray to remain loyal to the Lord.
There is no groping with the Lord,
either we are with him or we are with the world.
The Bible tells us that our hearts are where our treasures are.
So if Jesus is our treasure, we’ll do everything to keep what’s precious to us, and if it’s something else, we’ll end up going back.
We have to make the choice,
just make the decision that we have to run with for the rest of our lives.
Hello everyone
Have a nice day

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