My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

We are increasingly in a system of every man for himself,
we think of ourselves first,
our interests come first,
we no longer want our own people to patronise us willy-nilly,
We no longer want to share what little we have because of the high standard of living.
It’s becoming complicated to give time to others,
We’re becoming increasingly selfish, even within our own families.
The church is suffering too,
no more helping those in need,
just cold hearts.
Jesus showed us the example, he didn’t look at social conditions, or sex, or even our beauty, he had love, he had compassion for us.
The Lord is drawing our attention this morning to the scandalous way in which we neglect our own.
We no longer have the scruples to have the courage to abandon our parents because they have offended us.
The Eternal One emphasises love, the love of God who remains by our side no matter what the circumstances.
Let’s remember that forgiveness, love, encouragement and self-sacrifice are values that we must put in place to protect the unity of the family.
And that’s what Joseph’s brothers didn’t understand.
Instead of looking after their little brother and protecting him, they let hatred take away their joy and peace.
Beloved, we are each other’s sentinels,
It’s our responsibility to watch over our brothers and sisters, it’s our duty to make sure that all is well in our families.
This is what the Lord recommends, otherwise our walk with him is nothing more than a façade.
It is by giving love around us that others, the members of our families, open their hearts to the Gospel.
1 Timothy, 5:8 – If anyone does not care for his own, and especially for those of his family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
Pray to take Care of your own infallibly according to God will.
God’s will is to love us.
If there is love, we will carry each other’s burdens.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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