My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

As children of God, we seem to know what God expects of us.
We sometimes behave like loyal and sanctified people to the point of making some people uncomfortable,
We say we want to keep God’s commandments and that’s why we avoid connecting with the wrong smell.
The people of Israel were God’s choice but although they were loved by God
they understood nothing of God’s plan for them,
they didn’t even know what the Lord expected of them,
he continued in his unbelief and ingratitude.
At the slightest opportunity, he murmured against the Lord.
Children who are the apple of the Lord’s eye, but they didn’t know what it was like to have God on their side.
They weren’t aware of God’s love, they didn’t realise that all the earth belonged to their Daddy.
And one day, lust lay at their door, and they began to cry and complain,
wondering who could give them meat to eat.
They lowered God to the level of the lowliness of Egypt, to the point of making comparisons.
Israel, God just wants our gratitude,
he wants us to know that we can count on him,
he wants us to trust him,
He wants us to be strong and courageous children who don’t give up at the first sign of trouble.
So that’s why he’s calling out to us this morning.
Try to know what is expected of you.
Numbers 3:7 – And they shall keep the charge of the tent of meeting, and the charge of all the congregation: they shall minister in the tent of meeting.
Numbers 3:8 – And they shall have charge of all the vessels of the tent of meeting, and of that which is entrusted to the care of the children of Israel: they shall minister in the tent.
When we have been given tasks
when we have been given responsibilities, we must take care of them and reassure ourselves each time we have fulfilled them.
When our duty is determined, it is we who will give an account because no one else will do it for us.
As long as we know what we have to do
if we don’t, we open the door to sin.
It is a grace to receive commitments from the Lord.
So let’s bless him for his love.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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