My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

We agreed to pray together on Friday evening,
We agreed, we all gave our word, but how many of us were connected last night?
Those who weren’t certainly have a valid excuse and others will say that it’s not an obligation, but do we know and understand what is called a covenant?
If only we knew that a covenant cannot be broken, cannot be broken,
is not biased,
we’d really pay attention.
The truth is that for many of us, the good excuse
is oblivion,
it’s sleep,
it’s tiredness,
it’s laziness…
Laziness, laziness, spiritual laziness…
Can we serve God with this state of mind?
Jesus was shocked to see his disciples asleep,
He was surprised because they couldn’t pray for an hour just like us yesterday?
An hour offered by the Lord to be at his feet that we neglect,
An hour of intimacy to open our heaven that we have despised… Forgetting that this is a grace.
But why?
We were busy during the day,
we’ve been focused on the very successful businesses that give us so much pride, we’ve been serving important and influential people…
And over there, we are dedicated,
but when it comes to the King of kings,
we fall into laziness…
We are ready to invest ourselves when it comes to our work or our families or our businesses, but we don’t want any extra burdens.
We find the service of God burdensome and boring…
We should also be aware that those of us who refuse to serve God are no different from the sick, and are a real danger to our spiritual lives.
Spiritual laziness is the lack of effort in our duties and responsibilities towards God and towards others,
It is a lack of passion and desire for the things of God.
It is indifference,
lack of enthusiasm for the Lord’s business, lack of prayer life,
it is the refusal to read the Bible,
it’s church attendance.
Spiritual laziness is also spiritual indiscipline such as fasting and meditation.
Spiritual laziness is the state of the heart and mind,
it’s a lack of love for God and for our fellow human beings.
It is hunger and even spiritual death.
In the parable of the talents, the Bible tells us that one of them buried his abilities,
he didn’t know what to do with the free gifts he had in his hands,
He was unable to develop and multiply his talents.
This is a person who doesn’t want to give or doesn’t know how to give to others,
he just wants to receive.
He wants an easy life,
he wants undeserved glory,
He is lazy.
Proverbs, 19:15 – Slothfulness makes one sleepy, and a lazy soul goes hungry.
Bind and cast out every spirit of laziness from you in the name of Jesus.
Laziness keeps us in sleep,
in drowsiness, with folded arms… it is the lack of effort…
Let’s not let our souls wander, otherwise we’ll be wanderers, beggars,
the needy…
Let’s see for ourselves what spiritual laziness can do to us, even if we are strong and vigorous adults.
Let us pray to the Lord that we will not be counted among those he calls lazy, and let us work for those who are.
Good morning awake
Good day to you

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