My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

We tend to treat people according to our interests.
If a person is good for us, we are more interested in them,
if someone is submissive, we want to become attached to them,
if someone is considerate, they attract our attention.
Our relationships are a function of our appearance, our wallet,
the influence we can have on them.
This behaviour has tentacles even in the church, we follow souls according to what they seduce us with,
We pray for them because we have seen their social standing, we take their burdens very seriously because the pain is committed.
Beloved, when the Lord speaks to us about integrity, it is so that we may review the way in which our mentalities are sometimes twisted and perverse,
it is so that from now on we desire to be like him,
it is so that we put aside our false reasoning which disqualifies us spiritually and sometimes makes us look ridiculous.
The Bible tells us that a mother had two sons, Jacob and Esau.
The father loved Esau because he was hard-working and made him eat his best produce,
The mother was attached to Jacob because he was always in the kitchen with her and spent a lot of time with her.
Each parent had their own reasons for loving Jacob, even though they were all their children, and each had a reason to justify their choice.
The story goes that the children’s mother had received an instruction from heaven, and perhaps that’s why she was so quick to connect with her destiny.
In any case, from the outset, the treatment of the choice of love was not always very balanced.
So, in order to avoid the injustices that can sadden the Holy Spirit, we must draw inspiration from his guidance.
We have a responsibility to do the right thing,
not to use our influence and position to suffocate others.
Under no circumstances should we withhold what is not ours.
Each of us deserves what is ours.
Romans 13:7 – Give to all their due: tax to whom you owe tax, tribute to whom you owe tribute, fear to whom you owe fear, honour to whom you owe honour.
Pray to be fair in the way you deal with everyone.
Jesus puts everything in its place.
Let money stop being an idol for us,
Let’s stop using others as a means to enrich ourselves,
Not everything is money and can be bought.
No one should be treated according to what they cost or what they earn,
What matters to us is what they are.
Let’s stop mixing everything up and trampling on our loyalty.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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