My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

Your loyalty is too great, Yaya!
Even when everything seems uncertain, your faithfulness is complete!
Even when our eyes see only our limitations, your faithfulness is unquestionable!
Even when our mouths confess the negative, you always prove to us that you are the keeper of the promise!
We want to bless your holy name,
We want to honour the magnificence of your glory!
You are perfect, Eternal One!
You are simply unbelievable.
This is a special day for real people.
Surely, on this first Sunday of the month of integrity, you want to put the seal of truth on us,
you want to engrave in us the mark of light.
The world is increasingly lost in seduction, and more than ever we need fresh grace to keep us going.
We have quietly made lies our best companion,
we feel very comfortable saying things that don’t exist and that can destroy us.
The story of Ananias and Sapphira is dramatic but it is a reflection of our lives.
We are believers whose actions and words in no way reflect our Jesus Christ.
We all give the impression that we are serving God, but it’s all a lie, just an image of good deeds.
Deciding not to be honest is a matter between God and us.
Ananias and his wife have a property that they can dispose of at will.
They are free to sell it or not.
They are free to decide what percentage of the price to give to the community.
But they give up all these rights and decide to lie.
It’s better not to promise anything, not to take vows we won’t keep, than to sin against the Holy Spirit.
Lies dwell in the church, we no longer fear God.
Let us work to submit our lives entirely to the word of God.
The shadows,
hidden lusts, rebellion…
This is all Satan needs to enter and establish a strong base in us.
Ananias and Sapphira wanted to give the image of generosity,
they expected spectacular praise,
they coveted public praise but were exposed publicly,
they were rebuked instead because their hearts were not whole with the Lord.
Acts, 5:3 – Peter said to him, “Ananias, why has Satan so filled your heart that you lie to the Holy Spirit and withhold part of the price of the field?
Pray for a heart that is not subject to the enemy.
Let us be careful to withhold part of our lives?
Let us give them all to the Lord,
let his glory shine in our hearts!
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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