My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

The Lord tells us about the evidence of our progress in this season.
It’s very clear that it’s a question of positioning.
Everyone must be at his post to see what the Lord would show him.
Everyone must leave behind instability and distraction in order to move forward.
To make progress is to improve, to be better.
Paul encouraged Timothy to strive to improve not only in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, but also in the way he carried out his ministry.
He was to strive to lead an exemplary life.
In short, Timothy had to continue to progress spiritually.
Timothy was young and Paul gave him advice and motivated him to have a good testimony.
And that’s how Paul offered to accompany him in his missionary activity.
Let’s not say that we are young and that we have time, it is now that we must cultivate the qualities that will help us to lead an exemplary life and to become capable of teaching others.
And that’s how our progress will be noticed.
Beloved, progress does not come without effort.
We want to encourage each other this morning, we want to encourage young people to take part in evangelisation.
It is also in this area that our progress will be evident. It is by obeying God, by doing what the Lord recommends that we will rejoice.
Go and make disciples of all nations.
This is our responsibility.
1 Timothy, 4:15 – Concern yourself with these things, giving yourself wholly to them, so that your progress will be evident to all.
Pray that your progress will be evident in this season.
Are we busy with these things?
Are we fully engaged in our Christian walk?
It is in our seriousness, in our integrity, that the space of our tents will be enlarged.
Let the service of Jesus become our constant occupation, our life’s work, our sole pursuit. If we want the Church and the world to feel the powerful influence that God wants us to exert there, let us be penetrated inwardly by Jesus and absolutely devoted to his work.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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