My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

We are the light of the world, that is a sure word that is attached to us.
When our light shines, our enemies are confused.
When our light shines, our testimony is spread.
When our light shines, blessings are at our feet.
When our light shines, miracles happen.
When our light shines, grace is available.
What do we do to make God’s face shine upon us?
Do we stay in bed?
Do we continue to proscrastinate?
Beloved, it takes a certain sacrifice to trigger the presence of God.
God’s presence can only be obtained by taking action.
It is God’s presence that makes the difference between us and others.
The Bible tells us that King Herod began to mistreat the members of the church and that’s how he had Peter arrested.
After seizing him and throwing him in prison, he put him under the guard of four squads of four soldiers each, with the intention of making him appear before the people after the Passover.
So Peter was kept in prison, and the Church kept praying to God for him.
On the night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and there were sentries at the door, guarding the prison.
And behold, an angel of the Lord came, and a light shone in the prison. The angel woke Peter, struck him on the side, and said, “Get up quickly! The chains fell from his hands.
When the face of the Lord shines upon us, the spirit of God bears witness that we are his children and the body of Christ intercedes for us.
Peter knew he was carrying God’s presence,
he knew that the Lord would intervene at the appointed time.
It is the angel’s presence that confirms our deliverance and restoration,
It is the angel’s presence that stirs up the manifest light of the Lord.
Without prayer, there is not a spark of his glory.
Without revival, there is no evidence.
Without movement, there is no life.
So, to experience God’s grace, we must also grow in our search for Yaweh.
This is because Moses withdrew,
he set himself apart for forty days and forty nights that the glory of God shone upon him.
It was because he connected his heart to the throne of God that his light dominated and affected those around him.
Pray that the face of the Lord will shine upon you at all times.
Numbers, 6:25 – The LORD make his face to shine on you, and be gracious to you.
This verse is a wish.
It is a promise.
Without God’s presence, we are without hope.
Without God’s presence, we are sheep without a shepherd, no landmark, no direction.
God’s presence is a privilege, a grace that reassures us, keeps us vigilant and guarantees our safety.
So let us rise and shine!
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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