My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Are we thinking about what is pleasing to the Lord?
Have we really put our faith in God?
Do we believe in his goodness?
Are we certain that he rewards those who seek him?
How much faith do we have to be pleasing to him?
As children of God, we like to say all the time that we want to please God,
to please him,
to please him,
to walk in his will, in his way, in his principles, in his commandments, but we don’t want to refer to God’s word, which is our guide.
Being pleasing to God is not just words, it’s also a discipline, a way of doing things, it’s experiences…
The Bible tells us about Zechariah and Elizabeth, a couple to whom Scripture bears witness.
They were righteous before God, walking in all God’s commandments without reproach.
They served the Lord without complaint, yet they had no children because Elizabeth was barren and both were advanced in years.
Although it was difficult to have their blessing, they remained attached to the Lord,
they knew that only God had the power to work a miracle, they endured the humiliations and put their trust in God.
And it was while Zechariah was discharging his duties before the Lord that he would be heard.
Being pleasing to God means serving him and having faith, but it also means giving offerings that are truly pleasing to God.
Do we see giving offerings as a way of pleasing God and showing him that we care about the same things he does?
Giving offerings is one of the things God likes to see from us, especially when they come from the heart.
Manoah and his wife were members of the Danite family.
His wife was barren and would not give birth.
One day, the angel of the Lord appeared to his wife and promised to bless them.
The wife went to tell her husband, who asked the Lord for confirmation of the promise.
The Bible tells us that Manoah made an offering immediately after receiving the Lord’s approval.
He made a sacrifice to the Lord on the rock, and a wonder happened while Manoah and his wife were watching.
Beloved, the offering activates the blessing, accelerates the promise and cements the word of God.
Colossians 1:10 – to walk worthy of the Lord and to be acceptable to him, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God,
Pray to become and remain acceptable to the Lord.
To walk in a manner worthy of the Lord is to depend on the Holy Spirit.
to depend on the Holy Spirit, to seek the interests of others,
it is to love the Lord…
It is by obeying Yaweh that we can tell the lived evidences of his word.
Let us review our commitment and become more attached to our Jesus.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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