My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

What we need to understand today is that, as children of God, we are the ones who carry the blessing.
We are the source of blessing.
Laban is prosperous because of Jacob and he is aware that it is the anointing and grace of his beautiful son that opens the gates of glory to him.
After fourteen years of hard work in his uncle’s service, Jacob wants to return home.
Before Jacob arrived, Laban was a nobody, and his flock was small and puny.
Jacob will work for another six years to build up his own inheritance, which will be the reward for his years of servitude.
Jacob knew that Laban was not a serious man and offered him a deal.
Jacob must therefore act in accordance with divine directives.
Jacob does not take the most beautiful animals as his own,
the ones he chooses for his wages are not uniformly beautiful and undesirable.
Laban finally agreed.
The Lord blessed Jacob’s work and the man who had been a wage earner yesterday became independent.
The Bible tells us that all Jacob’s goats that covered the sheep were striped, spotted and inlaid; because the Lord saw everything Laban did to him.
We must recognise God’s providence in our affairs.
When the hand of God is upon us
we prosper in every way.
When the Lord wants us to enjoy the fruits of our labour,
he breaks with protocol and creates favourable conditions for us to do good.
Psalms, 128:2 – Then you will enjoy the work of your hands; You will be happy and prosper.
Fast and pray to rejoice and enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The Lord has promised us, we shall not labour in vain. We will see and enjoy the blessings of our efforts.
The enemy will not rob us of what is ours,
the devourer will stay away from our granary.
What we have achieved will give us joy,
make us happy and enable us to succeed in everything we do.
So, for every activity we have undertaken
let us bless the name of the Lord for his support and help.
No one will steal or manipulate our glory.
So let us know this morning that Yaweh has qualified us to multiply,
He’s just waiting to see us dare so that he can authorise grace and favour to do us good.
Good morning to you
Good day to you

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