My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

Not all covenants are the same; there are others that can corrupt us and disqualify us from the glory of God.
This is why we are invited to watch our steps so that we do not fall.
Let’s not take anything for granted, lest we find ourselves controlled by the habits and mentalities of our environment.
Lot is a child of light,
he knew God and served him, but at one point in his life
he decided to settle in Sodom.
This city was perverse and its crimes were atrocious, and the Lord decided to destroy this territory.
To accomplish this, two angels were sent into the field, but Lot welcomed them and preserved their lives.
Lot was rewarded with information about the imminent destruction of the city.
Warned of this, Lot fled with his family.
Glory be to God for this victory, but leaving a place does not mean that we have not copied their way of doing things,
physically leaving a place does not mean that spiritually we are delivered from it.
Lot’s daughters were in an environment that had its own laws.
They served God but the influences of the land they were in were real.
They dabbled in their routines,
they collaborated with their beliefs.
By dint of observing behaviour, we end up espousing it, accepting it and sometimes even without realising it.
It was normal for the Lot girls to see people indulging in sexual pleasures,
they were already used to finding solutions when they weren’t married,
It was common for them to give birth at home, not to study or even to get drunk to achieve their ends.
It was an education for them,
it was a way of doing things,
it was a system, it was an energy…
That’s why, even though they came out of Sodom with all its dangers,
they didn’t hesitate to get their father drunk when they saw that he was getting on in years and that the husband wasn’t coming to have offspring.
The father was addicted to alcohol and the children were unscrupulous.
This story is told to show the difference between the Hebrews and other foreign peoples.
Beloved, it is possible to establish alliances through mentalities,
to allow ourselves to be corrupted by what our environment imposes on us,
to tolerate the prohibitions of a territory and to move our standards.
It is becoming easier and easier to admit our deviations and frivolities than to take our stand with the word of God.
We are made to understand that this is the way the world is evolving, we are pushed to admit that they are more balanced than we are, and it is up to us to support them.
We have been warned,
the Lord warns us,
He sounds the alarm to draw the attention of his children.
And everyone must turn on the lights and take action,
draw closer to God and let God’s word fill us.
If God’s light does not shine brightly
darkness will take over and dominate us, intimidate us, control us…
Romans, 12:2 – Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Pray that you are not corrupted by the habits and customs around you.
The fashion these days is that we want to move to foreign countries to secure our children’s future, but we are not in a position to protect our offspring from going astray with our prayers; we think that leaving our country is a security, yet most of us embrace greater challenges.
Let’s not say we didn’t know, the bell keeps ringing…
Let’s not say it’s news,
it’s fashion,
it’s the ratings…
the Eternal One tells us NO…
Let us not follow their rhythms,
let us not indulge their intentions…
What we must do
is to let the word of God sit in our hearts,
is to let God’s presence lead us,
is to let the light of the Lord work in our thoughts.
We must imitate Christ’s model and get rid of the slave mentality to lean on God’s will, which produces only winners.
Hello brothers and sisters
Good day to you

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