My Month Of Blooming! Es54:2

God transforms us to go from glory to glory.
It is the Lord who changes us for the better; we can count on him to move forward and not backward.
Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, Potiphar’s wife lied about him and he was imprisoned, but we understood later that this was a path to his destiny, it was a pretext to propel him into the palace.
Moses fled Egypt to live in the desert for forty years; the Lord was preparing him to be a leader and liberator of the people of Israel.
This was his road to greatness.
David spent his time tending his father’s sheep in the fields, the Lord was arming him for war and his victory over Goliath cemented his reputation and fame.
This was the road to kingship.
As children of God, let’s not be afraid of change,
sometimes that’s the direction to glory.
No matter how things look for us, we are always moving forward.
For the Holy Spirit to transform us, we must be malleable in God’s hands, we must renounce ourselves.
We have to lay down all our burdens and sit at the feet of the Lord.
God wants each of us to move on to another dimension,
we must experience progress, advancement.
Going round in circles, going backwards, stagnating is not God’s plan for us, we are called to prosper.
Beloved, our speed depends on reception,
understanding and putting God’s Word into practice.
2 Corinthians, 3:18 – All of us who, with unveiled face, behold the glory of the Lord as in a mirror, are being transformed into the same image, from glory to glory, as by the Lord, the Spirit.
Pray to go from glory to glory.
When the face is uncovered, the veil falls away.
Everything that kept us in darkness is torn away,
We are taken out of the darkness, out of blindness, and God’s light is ours.
That’s why, having been stripped of blindness, we can now enjoy the blessings and promises of the Lord that take us to our high places.
So, brothers and sisters, let us cling to that which gives life.
And that life is Jesus Christ.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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