My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

If we want to be wise, let us fear God.
If we want the word of God to sit in our lives, let us read it, let us know it.
The fear of God is not fear but submission, obedience,
the trust we have in the Father.
Many of us think that it is when we get out of a situation that we have been wise,
Many think that we are wise when our cunning outwits that of others,
Many think that wisdom gives us authority, influence…
The Bible makes us understand that if we truly honour God,
if we worship him with a grateful heart, then wisdom will work in our lives.
David once sinned against his God.
He took a census of the people of Israel.
David was king, but he had no revelation of the mystery hidden in this act.
Joab, his army commander, insisted that he not make this mistake, but in his pride and folly, he had the work done.
Very quickly, the Lord showed his displeasure and very quickly, he struck down and decried this act.
What interests us in the story is that David acted like a fool,
He recognised later that touching the forbidden was a lack of wisdom and fear of God.
Wisdom is not an accumulation of knowledge but the application of that knowledge.
David marked out to carry out the instructions given by the Lord.
You had to be a Levite to do the counting, that was the Lord’s command.
David was not following God’s will.
When he became aware of his faults, the fear of God returned.
Beloved, when the fear of God leaves us, we are no longer attentive, prudent or humble.
The fear of God connects us to the real thing; it is more valuable than gold.
When the fear of God took hold, it triggered repentance in David,
vigilance, obedience.
Fearing God has advantages because we have a certain depth of certain things.
Proverbs, 1:7 – The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction.
Fast and pray that the fear of the Lord will be constant in you.
We have only one important thing to do, to fear God in order to have discernment or else to reject the instructions and remain unhappy.
It really depends on Us…
Hello everyone
Good day to you

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