My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

Let us bless the Lord who loves us and restores us.
Let us lift up his name because he alone deserves all the glory and honour,
Let us acclaim him, because he is the master of our seats and his presence reassures us.
Again this morning, we welcome him into our lives,
we know that without him we will never be able to reach our destination, whatever our abilities, so following him is essential.
Beloved, let us remember that Jesus gave his life for all men in order to save them.
Jesus, who means God saves, is the mediator who leads us to the God of truth.
To know the truth about everything, we must enter into God’s truth and put all our trust in Jesus.
The Lord wants us all to be saved, but some refuse the call and reject him.
God will never break down the door of our hearts,
he will always leave it up to us to open it ourselves.
Today is the day of salvation, the favourable moment.
God wants all men to turn from their wicked ways and continue their journey with him.
1 Timothy, 2:4 – who wants all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Celebrate the Lord who makes Knowledge available to all.
It is because salvation is available to all without exception or distinction that access to revelation becomes fluid.
We must receive the Lord as Lord and Saviour, so that the love of his word will enable us to go into his presence and seek to know him even more.
Good day to you

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