My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

We should continually ensure that our priorities are firmly in place. Putting God first is one of the most important biblical principles and we must ensure, by exalting our own hearts, that nothing usurps his place in our hearts, in our thoughts and in our lives.
God must come first in the life of the Christian. Knowing God and his will must be our priority.
We have allowed distraction to rob us of our intimacy with the Lord,
Our work and our ambitions have so enraptured us and separated us from the love of God,
Our professional careers, our passions and our desire to possess have so dominated our thoughts that they have become idols.
God’s will is no longer in harmony with our plans,
We lose interest in the gospel because our hearts are set on Egypt.
Everything to do with God has become a burden for us,
we are attracted by the seduction of the world,
we are torn between the word of God and the reasonings of the world.
Beloved, the time has come to set things right,
to seek the things that are above,
to take the lift and give ourselves wholly to the Lord.
Colossians, 3:2 – Set your affection on things above, not on things on earth.
Pray to remain attached to divine realities.
When we read this verse, we quickly understand that the church of Colossus had a positioning problem,
it was an unstable church, with no real identity.
The Colossians did not have a firm faith,
They were in church but lust, the seduction of the world and appearances were filled in their hearts. But Paul exhorts the colossian church and us too to learn to love the divine things.
Let us attach ourselves to the essential things, let us connect with life,
Let us let the Lord dwell in our hearts,
Let the word of God dwell in us.
It is the things above that establish glory,
so let’s keep our eyes fixed on Jesus.
Good morning beloved
Good day to you

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