My Month Of Humility! Matt18:4

Humility is no longer a matter for our assemblies.
It’s just belonging to a congregation that interests us,
It’s reciting the Bible verses that reassure us.
Everyone wants to be in the front row,
Everyone wants to show they deserve to be leader,
Everyone wants to impose their vision of things.
We are not broken enough in the presence of God,
we are too self-conscious, we refuse to let God’s spirit touch us,
we no longer know how to open our hearts in God’s presence,
we no longer know how to bow down or lie down,
we feel ashamed,
We feel ridiculous, even though we are standing before the highest authority in the world.
Sometimes we miss out on so much because of our lack of humility.
We confuse everything, we think that the fact of being a department head gives us the right to criticise or murmur.
And that’s what Myriam and Aaron did.
They spoke out against Moses about his Ethiopian wife to the point of wanting to measure themselves against their shepherd, their authority.
And the Lord did not tolerate it and punished Miriam for her attitude.
Beloved, the Lord wants us to learn to be humble,
he urges us not to be great in our own eyes and to submit to the authorised voice.
An assembly has its rules and laws and everyone must respect them.
And it is for this reason that we must watch our words and our actions, we must be well-disposed.
1 Peter, 3:8 – Finally, all of you should be like-minded, full of brotherly love, compassion and humility.
Pray that humility will prevail in your congregation.
Man is changeable and divergent.
What is in his heart is sometimes complicated and dangerous.
That’s why the Lord wants each of us to have a pure heart, filled with love and compassion.
A heart that is generous and looks on the interests of others as its own.
Let humility return to our places of worship,
Let the love of Jesus take hold and let the word of God be our strength.
Have a good day

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