My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

The Bible tells us that “the harvest is great but the labourers are few”.
When we see the rise of the churches, we can wonder about this verse.
How can we say that there is work and people are wandering?
Are the workers unskilled?
Are they lazy?
Are they not careful and vigilant?
Or are we just full of pride because the Bible tells us that God is the builder, the architect and we are the labourers, the cultivators, the sowers, the clearers…
As long as the owner of the field is not satisfied with our work, we will never be qualified workers.
The Lord needs true disciples.
Are we really servants of God?
Are we capable of sacrificing everything to do God’s will?
Are we ready to make ourselves small to let Jesus believe?
Our God is looking for genuine people who will do his work with love and faithfulness.
We need to know that we cannot do this without God’s grace.
We need Jesus to show us his compassion and mercy.
In our context, we are in a situation where Moses is a faithful, honest anointed and he needs to see the glory of God,
He wants to know the person of God,
he wants to contemplate his magnificence.
Beloved, we are not all the same in the presence of God; it all depends on each person’s thirst.
Moses could have been content with the experiences of the manifestation of God’s power,
He could have been overwhelmed by all the wonders he had seen with his own eyes, but he wanted another dimension of God’s presence,
He wanted to discover the glory of God.
The Lord lets himself be found by those who truly seek him.
The Lord did not refuse his request but found a way, and it was on that day that Moses realised that the true nature of God is one of mercy and compassion, regardless of the world and mankind.
So if we want to be recipients of mercy and compassion, let’s draw closer to God,
he is the one who decides,
He’s the one who makes the choice, he’s the one who controls his criteria.
It doesn’t depend on our social rank or our qualifications,
it doesn’t depend on the efforts or works of men.
Everything is in God’s grace.
Exodus, 33:19 – The Lord answered, “I will make all my goodness pass before you, and I will proclaim the name of the Lord before you; I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and merciful to whom I will be merciful.
Pray for the grace and Mercy of God to be a worthy worker.
What a privilege to be among heaven’s chosen!
Moses no longer wanted to be a servant, he wanted to be a friend.
He wanted the Lord’s mercy and joy to dwell in his heart.
When we enjoy communion with the Lord, he himself stands up for us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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