My Month Of Proclamation! Deut32:3

Sometimes we ask ourselves whether we deserve God’s love!
If we are qualified to really enjoy it!
If our hearts are available to benefit from it!
Jesus invites us to him, and that’s what counts.
He asks us a simple question that may seem embarrassing.
*Do we want to be healed?
It’s not always easy, because our beliefs, our cultures, our habits, our origins and our environment sometimes overshadow our faith.
We act according to a certain logic that most often opposes that of God.
We want to talk about the man in the pool of Bethesda who had been ill for 38 years and still had no solution.
The Bible tells us that there were miracles at this pool, an angel came and stirred the water and the first person to enter was healed, no matter how sick he was.
After several years of despair, Jesus entered this place and healed the sick man.
The man who had been paralysed by sin rose from his paralysis and found himself in the temple.
*You have been healed, sin no more”, Jesus said to him.
In other words, our continued healing depends on our repentance and conversion.
If we want to keep our blessing, we must change our life, we must be completely with the Lord.
What happened after this new contact with Jesus was that the man who had been limited, frustrated and enslaved to sin was now free and could share his testimony with many.
John, 5:15 – The man went away and told the Jews that it was Jesus who had healed him.
Divine healing is your share, talk about miraculous healings!
Beloved, divine healing is our inheritance, miraculous healing is the share of those who know their God.
And when God completely restores us, delivers us from incurable, impossible pain.
Let’s not cross our arms, let’s go and bear witness and present our Jesus to others in need.
Let us present the source of our healing to others.
Let us spread God’s love in our lives.
After an answer, after a miracle,
after a healing, Jesus wants us to stay in the sheepfold and tell others about it.
Witnessing makes miracles powerful; Jesus wants to do us good, so let’s keep our hearts open and available as we serve him.
Let us hasten to go and proclaim the gospel.
Let’s copy the example of this man! He simply told others about Jesus and what he had achieved in his life.
Let’s do the same today.
Hello everyone
Have a nice day

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