My Month Of Promotion! 1Sam2:8

A fool is anyone who hates knowledge,
it is any person who is not in search of intelligence,
it is a person whose stupidity is attached to it.
It is a person who does not give place to the Lord,
a person who doesn’t want to go to the Lord’s school.
Everything for him is to seek the glory of men,
satisfying man,
being seduced by what the world has to offer, but nothing of spiritual significance.
She is also a person who has no authority in the spirit in the face of the difficulties she encounters.
How can a fool appreciate the glory of God?
He is a child of rebellion.
He who clings to the Lord will be filled with all that is in him,
a fool will never receive what belongs to the spirit of God.
Proverbs, 26:1 – Like snow in summer, and rain in harvest, So glory is not fit for a fool.
Pray that stupidity will be forever separated from you.
Fools do not appreciate the Lord’s blessings.
They don’t realise that everything they are and everything they have is from God.
They live according to worldly principles,
they walk according to the laws of the world.
For them, everything is normal and their belief is linked to idols.
This is a mistake that we must ask the Lord to correct.
The Lord must renew our minds so that we can see as he does, so that we can be thankful for the fullness of his spirit.
So let us beg God to bring us out of this pit and let his light be our portion.
Good morning
Good day to you

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