My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

We want to celebrate the Lord for all he does,
We want to exalt our Yaweh for this new testimony,
We want to bless him for his blessings.
It is important that we stop and shout for joy for our Yaya.
He is faithful,
He is worthy of praise.
He never abandons us,
He never forsakes us,
His love is just,
His power is magic.
He defends us even when we have turned away,
He always lifts us out of the pit when we return to him.
He always restores us even when the world has led us to believe that everything is over for us.
The woman with the blood loss suffered twelve years with her illness.
She walked around looking for solutions, she sold everything for her health,
she couldn’t find a way out.
This woman became a burden to those around her,
her friends were tired of supporting her,
her family was already in too much debt,
her colleagues all fled.
Her constant flow of blood gave her an odour and she was an embarrassment to many.
Nobody wanted to see her any more,
No one wanted to help her,
No one liked her.
So she found herself alone, with no branches to hold her up.
It was at that moment that her heart was open to another alternative.
Until our backs are against the wall, we will never be ready to let Jesus into our lives.
She has heard that Jesus is the God of the last minute,
She has heard that Jesus is the God of Justice,
he protects the oppressed,
He is the one who can heal her completely and for free.
She decided to go to Jesus,
she gave herself the means to touch grace, to brush up against the anointing and, above all, to have faith.
And this is how this woman received her healing.
1 Peter, 2:24 – who himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, so that we, having died to sins, might live to righteousness; by whose stripes you were healed.
Thank the Lord, who through this righteousness has healed you.
Our Father paid the price, he made the sacrifice so that we might be free,
he took upon himself the burden of our faults,
he bore all the responsibility and every wound was the redemption of all our troubles.
God not only wants to save us, he also wants to heal us.
So let us give thanks to our God for the healing he has given us.
He has given us victory over sin and sickness.
Good morning to you all
Have a good day

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