My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Beloved, they will make war on us, it is true.
They will mock us, that is true.
They will reject us, that is also true.
They will plot against us, yes, it’s true, but the Bible tells us that they will not defeat us because the Lord is there to deliver us.
All they have to do is fight us, we will always be stronger than them because the presence of our Lord is our security.
We have a story in the book of Acts.
A young girl had an evil spirit and people liked to listen to what this spirit said through her, and they even paid the men she worked for to listen to her.
Every time Paul and Silas passed by, the young girl would follow them to talk to them and, of course, one day Paul put an end to the story, he cast out the spirit that was tormenting the young girl.
Very angry, the men for whom she was serving could no longer take advantage of her and earn money, so they went to complain to the city leaders that these servants were causing problems.
This is how Paul and Silas were arrested, further whipped and put in prison.
That night, these men of God didn’t look at their situations,
they just started praying, giving thanks and singing new songs for the King of kings.
They didn’t take into account that they were in a cage,
they didn’t look at their neighbours,
they didn’t consider how angry the authorities might be.
Paul and Silas were focused on their God.
The Bible tells us that as they shouted for joy to the Lord, the ground began to tremble and the prison doors opened in front of them.
When the guard woke up and saw what was happening, he thought that all the prisoners had fled, but that was not the case.
So the guard got down on his knees, confessed Christ and baptised himself and his family.
The next day, Paul and Silas were released and went elsewhere to continue God’s work.
To say what, to say that we are more than conquerors in Jesus.
Circumstances can be unfavourable,
We may feel that God is not responding to us,
We may even be discouraged,
Fear has even invaded us at times,
Sadness is full in our hearts…
Let us be strong and firm, for the one we serve is neither slumbering nor sleeping.
He has the ability to fight for us.
This morning, he consoles us with this verse:
Isaiah 54:17 – Every weapon that is forged against you will be of no avail; and every tongue that speaks against you in righteousness you will condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD; this is their salvation from me, says the LORD.
Bless the Lord for your invariable position as a conqueror.
Sometimes people want to intimidate us, they start talking against us to disqualify us,
but the Lord reassures us that we have the power to dominate everything that stands in our way.
Let them speak as they will,
let them plan whatever they want,
It’s the Lord himself who fights for us, and as long as Jesus is on the throne, we’ll never fall on the battlefield.
All glory to Jesus.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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