My Month Of Accountability! Luke16:10

For some people, being spiritual is counted in years,
the number of wrinkles or grey hairs!
This is not true at all!
Timothy was young, but Paul considered him an accomplished evangelist!
The king trusted young Daniel more than any of his older advisers, because he had seen the grace that rested on his life.
David, the young shepherd, was the one who challenged and killed Goliath, before whom a whole army trembled.
Esther was a young girl, yet she saved the Jewish people.
Still a young girl too, Mary was the one God chose to bear the Saviour of the world!
1 Timothy, 4:12 – Let no one despise your youth; but be an example to the faithful in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity.
Responsibilities do not depend on age.
Timothy was still young, and he had to earn the respect of everyone by setting a good example.
Since his adolescence, he had lived alongside Paul, and had therefore had many experiences which had enabled him to mature rapidly.
So it was inexcusable to look down on him just because he wasn’t yet forty.
According to the verse, no one should underestimate us because we are young.
It’s not age that defines maturity,
nor a person’s worth, especially in a society that has low expectations of youth.
The same verse gives us an enormous challenge, a much greater challenge: *to be role models.
In the face of scorn,
or the rejection of others because of our age,
we are called to react in a different way.
Let’s be role models for our churches,
for our friends,
for our families.
Do we find the Christian world lacking in zeal?
Then let us be a model of zeal!
Do we find that our Church lacks joie de vivre?
Let’s radiate the joy of Christ and change things by our attitude!
Do we find that some people around us lack compassion?
Then let’s show by our actions that we have a heart full of love for the lost, and maybe people will take notice!
Despite our young age, we can be a source of encouragement and blessing.
Let’s not be afraid to speak up and say what we have received.
Good day to you all
Have a good day!

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