My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

The city of Nineveh was full of wickedness.
Jonah was told to go to Nineveh and cry out against it.
Instead, he went in the opposite direction, boarding a ship bound for Tarshish. Jonah boarded the ship, paid the fare, went down to the bottom and fell asleep.
The Lord made a strong wind blow, and a great storm arose on the sea, so violent that the ship was on the point of sinking.
The sailors threw some of their cargo into the sea and implored their gods to save them.
The captain of the ship came down from the deck and found Jonah asleep.
He woke him up and told him to call on his God to save them.
The sailors then decided to cast lots to find out who was responsible for this misfortune.
The lot fell on Jonah and he was questioned thoroughly.
They discovered that he was a Hebrew and that he worshipped the God who had made heaven and earth.
They also learned that he was fleeing from God.
When they asked Jonah what should be done, he told them to throw him into the sea.
The sailors were reluctant to do this and tried to bring the boat to land.
The storm increased and they were forced to throw Jonah into the sea.
As soon as they had done so, the sea became calm.
They had prayed to Jonah’s God not to burden them with innocent blood and when the sea calmed, they were converted and offered sacrifices. In the meantime, the Lord brought a great fish to swallow Jonah and he was in the fish for three days and three nights.
Jonah now knew that he could not run away from God.
After the three days and three nights, the fish vomited Jonah onto the land of Nineveh, forcing Jonah to spread the gospel of Jesus so that many would return to the Lord.
For Jonah, God is too compassionate and merciful; he should destroy this city for all its sin.
If the Lord were to follow the will of a man, the earth would be extinguished, but in his love and faithfulness, the Lord always reaches out to us.
So, Jonah, even with the smell of fish, God’s work will be done.
It is best for us to put aside the cares of our daily lives, eliminate distractions and focus on the Lord.
Let’s spend time in his presence.
Stop running away from God at every opportunity.
God is ready to forgive us and love us.
Let’s not be Jonahs, let’s let God lead us into the high places.
James, 4:8 – Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; cleanse your hearts, you stubborn men.
Fast and pray that you do not flee from the face of the Lord.
Above all, we must know that sin distances us from God.
Turning away from sin is the first way to get closer to God.
It’s wonderful to see how available God is to us.
He is waiting for us with his arms wide open,
ready to hug us and tell us how much he loves us at every moment.
But the verse from James shows us something important: we have to take the first step.
God doesn’t force us, because relationships are based on the freedom to choose, and he gives us that choice.
And because we have the choice, it has value.
When we deliberately choose to go beyond our personal desires to meet him, he sees it and knows the cost.
Lord, we choose to come closer to you.
We open our hearts to you and repent.
Fill us with your power so that we can live the life you have planned for us.
May the glory be yours alone.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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