My Month Of Awakening! Rom13:11

The wake-up call starts at home,
It’s imperative that vigilance is activated in our departments.
We have slept a little too much, we have even snored too much,
We’ve told ourselves that we need to relax a little after a long day’s work.
That’s not a bad thing, except that very quickly we become distracted,
our minds are scattered and the enemy lies at our doorstep.
So, if we haven’t got into the habit of praying for our places of worship, it’s time we did, because it’s a place that’s now teeming with all sorts of people.
It is in our churches that sorcerers are now trying their hand; it is in our ministries that Babylon has been built.
Many pastors have received arrows on their altars,
Many false prophets are emerging in the nations,
Many agents of the devil are on mission in our sanctuaries.
If we are not careful
if we are not covered by the presence of God, many of us will be struck blind.
One day, as Paul and Timothy were going to the place of prayer, Acts 16, a servant girl who had a Python-like mind and who, by guessing, brought great profit to her masters, met them and began to follow them.
She cried out, “These men are servants of the Most High God, and they proclaim to you the way of salvation.
She did this for several days.
When Paul was tired, he turned and said to the Spirit, “I command you, in the name of Jesus Christ, to come out of her. And he went out that very hour.
Here is a woman who is supposed to be a child of God and who for many, is being used by the Lord, she says things that may be true but she does not do it with a good spirit, she is led by a spirit of seduction.
So, if Paul and his team did not have the spirit of discernment, if the fullness of the spirit of God did not dwell in them,
they could deal with that spirit, even be manipulated and connect with the evil seed that would probably give them a bad smell.
Beloved, let us be careful like these servants,
let us pray for our temples in which tares grow to an incredible level.
We are the ones who will watch and probe every time the spirits that surround us and that address us.
And it is to this that our assemblies must rise up and pray so as not to fall into confusion.
It is our responsibility as leaders of our chapels to be sentinels, intercessors so that the enemy does not destroy the love and peace that we have inherited.
Pray for RMI
Psalms, 85:7 – Will you not restore us to life, that your people may rejoice in you?
When our hearts are hardened and we are rebellious, the presence and blessing of the Lord is no longer in our midst but if we are a people who repent and confess our sins, our God will come back into our lives to bring revival, renewal and restoration in our ministries.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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