My Month Of Integrity! Ps119:1

July 2024 is gone!
We won’t be seeing him again!
He’s gone with his failings,
with its imperfections, with its reflections…
The Lord didn’t give us a moment’s rest during this last month,
He has pushed us to excel, because it is those who are alert and sensitive who see his glory.
So, above all, we want to bless the Lord for his miracle in our lives.
Many have not been counted among this season’s chosen, many had plans to travel and celebrate, but unfortunately they are in morgues or cemeteries…
And we are fit, alive and safe, thanks to the grace of God, beloved.
We refuse to take it for granted, we refuse to see it as an obligation.
We are grateful, Holy Spirit.
You have breathed your life into us again, and we thank you.
Our hearts praise your name, Eternal One.
Seven months have passed!
Seven months of turbulence!
Seven months of not liking life!
Seven months of discouragement!
Seven months of confusion!
Seven months of dissatisfaction!
Seven months of instability!
Seven months of reflection!
The eighth month has arrived,
It’s finally here…
The month that symbolises a new beginning!
The month of new opportunities!
The month of new experiences!
The month that heralds new things!
It’s possible to start seeing the impossibilities that have fallen in front of us,
It’s possible to start eating at the table of kings this month,
It is possible to begin to hear the voice of the Lord in this season.
It is possible…
What do we want this time of year?
Let’s put our Yaya to the test,
let’s test our faith and let the testimonies knock on our doors.
If we want to touch new things
the Lord gives us each one condition to shine.
*Let’s be careful about our integrity.
Too many of God’s children suffer from this.
We are not people of our word,
We don’t keep our promises,
We make too many broken promises,
We have lost our value,
we talk too much to say nothing,
We want to look good and in the end, we are ridiculous.
Okalga to our integrity!
Integrity is loyalty,
it’s maturity,
it’s honesty,
it’s righteousness,
it’s respect,
these are virtues…
Lack of integrity hinders blessings,
Lack of integrity damages our relationship with the Lord.
If we want to live the obvious, let’s have integrity!
On that note, welcome to “our month of integrity”.
Psalms, 119:1 – Blessed are those who are true to their ways, Who walk in the law of the Lord.
Happiness depends on the firmness of our decisions and our walk with the Lord.
Do we want to be happy in this world painted with wickedness?
Let’s simply change our ways and depend on God.
1 John, 1:6 – If we say that we have fellowship with him and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
Fast and pray for a life of integrity!
To be in communion with the Lord is to flee from everything that contradicts his word.
Let’s get out of superficial circles,
let’s get out of the way and be uncomfortable with sin.
Walking in darkness means walking in error, in ignorance, in sin…
Let us not be fools or unbelievers.
Let us each pick up our access code to savour the glorious glory of the season.
Hello village
Good day to you

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