My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

When the Lord urges us to return to the word of God, let us obey.
When the Bible tells us that we will be known by our fruits, that’s no joke, our behaviour will always reveal our scale of science.
Some people act in a certain way because everyone only gives what they have. If they’ve been given unbelief, that’s all they’ll give.
And that is dangerous when we are devoid of knowledge,
when our hearts are closed to wisdom and our thoughts blind.
Many times we have misled others, seeing ourselves as advisers, and yet…
Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous before God, keeping all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord in a blameless manner.
They had no children and both were advanced in years.
The Bible tells us that Zechariah was not discouraged,
He continued to serve the Lord,
he continued to wait on the Lord,
he knew that as long as he was doing God’s work, the Lord would visit him, he knew that he who clings to the Lord will not be disappointed,
he knew that he had to recommend his fate to the Lord and he would act,
he knew that intimacy with God was essential in difficult times…
so he was always at the Lord’s feet to hear from him and beg the Lord to show him his ways so that he could follow them.
The more the problem resisted, the more he went to find out what God’s word said, the more he proclaimed and declared Yaweh’s promises.
And one day, the divine visitation entered their home.
Beloved, no matter how old we are,
no matter how long we’ve been shaken,
if we are connected to the good part, testimony will follow.
What interests us this morning is the way in which the people in our families, our friends… intervene when our Isaac is around.
They want to impose their systems of thought on us,
they want to take us back to the old ways,
They want to give us advice because they think they have experience, but most of these people know nothing about the will of God and they are not with us when we pray, fast and receive guidance from the Lord.
This is what happened with Elizabeth when she gave the name of her child.
The crowd rose up to challenge us, wanting to divert us from the instructions we had received, wanting to convince us that we were wrong,
trying to make us think like the world.
And in the end it was Zechariah who intervened to approve his wife’s wishes and restore order.
James, 3:13 – Which of you is wise and understanding? Let him show his deeds by good conduct with the gentleness of wisdom.
Your behavior should resemble your level of Knowledge.
The apostle James says that there are two kinds of wisdom: “earthly” and “heavenly”.
The first responds to selfish ambition and a spirit of contention.
The second is for humility, submission and keeping the peace.
James now addresses the teachers, because they are identified with the wise.
He urges them to prove by good conduct that their knowledge is not just theory.
Their teaching must not consist of putting people in their place and engaging in controversy.
Godly wisdom enables us to overcome our carnal nature and reign with Christ.
Earthly wisdom puts self first.
Heavenly wisdom puts others first and leads to a life rich in humble works.
Good day to you
Good day to you

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