My Month Of Knowledge! Ho4:6

We don’t always like to hear that, but not all graces are the same.
Anointings are not the same.
To each his own, and if we want to go far, let’s take it easy on ourselves, consecrate ourselves and nourish ourselves with the word of God.
As long as we are connected to fools, we will never be influential or talented.
Let’s stop associating with people who don’t bring us anything, let’s separate ourselves from people who prevent us from rising to glory…
Let’s attach ourselves to souls who challenge us, who encourage us to excel, who have integrity…
Joseph was put in prison because he had been unjustly accused by Potiphar.
Two men were imprisoned with Joseph, one the chief cupbearer and the other the chief bread-baker, two of Pharaoh’s high officials.
These men were trusted people in important positions, but they were under Joseph’s supervision.
Beloved, it is not our positions or offices that give us spiritual authority but it is the fullness of the Holy Spirit within us that saturates the space in which we are.
One night, Pharaoh’s cupbearer and bread-bearer, who were being held in prison, both had a dream. They were frustrated because there was no one to interpret them, and they were worried.
Joseph vouched to interpret the dreams that had come true.
Yes, revelation is available to all and it is our responsibility to study the word of God.
Brothers and Sisters, by interpreting the dreams, Joseph declared before the two high-ranking Egyptians the superiority of the Lord over the Egyptian gods, over the magicians and over the enchanters, and positioned himself as the spokesman for the living God, capable of giving all kinds of meanings to all kinds of dreams.
Joseph possessed a gift, a talent, a divine potential for interpreting dreams.
Joseph’s words being fulfilled gave him a glimmer of hope and he waited for the cupbearer to return the favour.
In spite of the cupbearer’s ingratitude, Joseph remained faithful to the Lord, and kept his patience.
God had everything under control,
He is the master of times and circumstances,
Joseph was a good and faithful servant and the Lord prepared his rest.
And here was Pharaoh, troubled by a dream and in need of an explanation, and not all of Egypt was able to provide him with the authentic revelation.
And the cupbearer remembered Joseph, who interpreted Pharaoh’s dream and became governor in a foreign land because he had put all his trust and hope in the Lord.
All this to say what?
To tell us that it is important to know how to respect and honour the measure of grace before us.
We all need to have people in our address books who are better educated than we are.
It is a privilege to be in contact with individuals who are filled with divine wisdom and who have a superior spirit.
The more integrity we deal with, the clearer our lives become.
The more God’s spirit dwells within us, the more positioned and stable we are.
The more God’s word is implanted in our hearts, the better decisions we make.
Our spiritual growth also depends on the people we are attached to.
Proverbs, 27:17 – As iron sharpens iron, So a man stirs up a man`s anger.
Fast and pray to be connected to people who are more educated than you.
If we want to grow in wisdom and sature, let us be careful about our relationships.
The more we rub shoulders with intelligent, wise, loyal, honest, educated, influential, learned people… the more we aspire to be like them.
Let’s develop our fellowship, pray and fast with our brothers and sisters, and we’ll be fulfilled.
Hello friends
Good day to you

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