My Month Of Loyalty ! Luke20 :25

We are children of God but no one in our families is convinced of this,
We call ourselves Christians but our friends and neighbors have a bad testimony about us,
How can we impact when we are trapped in vices like others?
How can we influence when our lives do not reflect the glory?
We must learn to take actions that give us credibility, that distinguish us from others.
Let us stop being Christians who do not know their father and lack confidence in him.
The people of Israel were a people chosen and loved by God, they were supposed to walk under the divine cover, their ancestors were already in alliance with the Lord but this nation did not know how to follow in the footsteps of their fathers.
Always full of doubt, always full of murmurs despite the love and protection of the Lord.
A story in the Bible will tell us how we trample on God’s faithfulness.
The Lord made the promise to Israel to give them Canaan, which flows with milk and honey.
Moses sends a spy by tribe to come down and explore the place but they returned with fear, questions, discouragement, yet God had already given his word.
Apart from Caleb and Joshua, all the rest looked at the obstacles and difficulties of the promised land yet God had already spoken.
People who had already experienced the Lord, who had already tasted the prowess of the Lord, people who had already seen God in all his glory did not hesitate to betray God in all his power.
How long will we turn our backs on the Lord when things are bad?
The work of God is great, each of us has his share of work, in order to strengthen the kingdom of God.
David was a man of God, he was convinced that he had something to do about the ark of the covenant and before making a decision he consults with his team.
How much heart do we have to do work for God?
How many have the courage to go it alone without taking advice from anyone?
Let’s learn to take concrete actions that uplift our God,
May our works for God be poignant and may our service to the Lord be commendable.
In 2 Chronicles, 17: 6 – His heart was greatly increased in the ways of the Lord, and he also removed the high places and the idols from Judah.
Fast and pray to depict loyalty unto God through your actions.
When we are truly children of God, and we walk according to the will of God, we can no longer live as in the world, we cannot allow darkness to invade us, we cannot continue to serve the altars which we oppress and condemn us.
So, as children of God, let us stand up and overthrow the strongholds that keep us from fulfilling ourselves and being true children of God.
Hello to us
Have a good day

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