My Month Of Investment!Eccl11:1

Between the instabilities in the remote corners of our countries and the wars, the divisions, we must all mobilize for our nation.
It’s not a government business but it’s also up to us to be tolerant, patient, loving.
We have destroyed our nation, it is not necessarily because of colonization, we have not always been present, we have directed our attention elsewhere, yet our country needs us.
With our mouths we liquidated the prestige of our soil,
With our mentalities, we have despoiled our heritage,
With our pride and selfishness, we have encouraged hatred.
We would have liked to be born somewhere else, we would have liked to have had another story.
The truth is God who holds it and each of us must get involved in his nation, we must participate in the blossoming of our country.
We must invest in order for the future of this society to be stable.
When we read the Bible, Israel was a blessed people but they were slaves.
It multiplied but it did not dominate, it was at the mercy of Egypt.
All that he had received, their gifts and talents, he gave them to the Egyptians yet he was the first born of the Lord.
But when the time came to liberate his people, when the Lord wanted to bring out his glory, he did everything he could, he liberated the angels, he submitted the Egyptian atmosphere to his authority, he made the difference between he who serves him and he who is in the world.
It is the Lord who builds, it is he who installs peace, it is he who puts an end to the missiles of the enemy.
Without its presence in a country, it will be difficult for us to build ourselves.
Without his hand, it will be difficult to move forward,
He is our best cover,
He is our shield.
We want to know the tranquility, we want to have calmness, serve Jesus.
We no longer want to walk in fear, we no longer want to establish ourselves in places that are not ours, we want to return home but it cannot be done without you, Jesus.
Unburden us of our fears,
free us from our frustrations,
keep us away from useless arrows.
Take control and silence these fights in our cities in the name of Jesus.
Psalms, 46:10 – He is the one who stopped the fighting to the end of the earth; He broke the bow, and he broke the spear, He consumed the chariots of war with fire. –
Pray for the Nation Cameroon.
This is good news for those torn apart by a fight.
God rises and puts an end to oppressions, the enemy can do nothing, he is defeated.
We are at peace, the Lord gives us peace.
May this truth bring us peace in the soul and keep our country in its restoration and its confidence.
hello to us
Have a good day

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