My Month Of Assurance! Ps55:23

Are we ashamed to go to evangelism?
Does the fear of speaking to strangers invade us or do we lack the word of conviction to proclaim the word of God?
Many believe that it takes courage to serve God.
Others on the other hand are eloquent and convincing but it is not interesting because it has no reward according to them.
Beloved, let’s stop being in church without involvement, we are spectators, we refuse to contribute to the growth of the church.
We are not embarrassed when God’s house is empty, we are not concerned when our neighbors are in trouble.
Yet we can tell them about our Jesus, we can tell them with love that Jesus loves them and he only needs their heart.
We have around us the needy who are thirsty to hear the word of God, if nothing is done, they will not be able to distinguish the voice of God, they will not be able to follow him, they will not be the flock of the pasture of the Lord.
Sometimes we don’t even evangelize because we ourselves don’t believe in the power of God and our words, we are unbelievers, we sing and praise God but we don’t know the God we serve.
All this to encourage us to rise boldly and go out to make disciples of the nations.
1 Corinthians, 1:18 – For the preaching of the cross is folly to those who are perishing; but to us who are saved it is a power of God.
Announce the gospel of Christ with boldness.
Hearing about Jesus for some people chops their ears, makes them uncomfortable because they deny God’s sacrifice on the cross, they take it for a joke, for utopia.
Like a story invented to anarch and distract others.
In any case, God is faithful.
He is our assurance in the day of distress, it is he who fills us with courage and grace to be fishers of souls.
So, let’s give thanks to God for being privileged and chosen to proclaim the good news.
hello to us
Have a good day

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