My Month Of Perspicacity ! 2Tim2:7

Beloved, the it is finished from Jesus to the cross is real.
In all there, there is everything without exception, our infirmities, our limitations, our imperfections…
Jesus released a new covenant of grace.
We must give up our own efforts, our abilities to receive from God by faith.
Everything is done tells us that everything is already done in Jesus, this word gives us a feeling of victory, the work of Jesus on the cross to save humanity is finished, the Lord has forgiven our sins and justified us .
He is mighty, our God,
He is excellent, our dad,
It is amazing, our Lord,
He is the God of impossibilities,
He is the one who turns water into wine,
He is the one who raised Lazarus after four days in the tomb,
He is the one who walked on the waters,
He is the one who searches the hearts and the loins,
He is the one who is able to accomplish anything.
What is this mountain in front of us?
What is this difficulty that we cannot overcome?
What is this disease that keeps us captive?
No matter what stresses us or discourages us, our Yaweh can.
Yes he can!
What do we need to start this new week?
the Eternal is able to facilitate the way for us, he can level and cleanse this rocky way.
God promised the deliverance of Israel and he granted it,
God promised a child to Abraham and he did it,
God promised wisdom to Solomon, it came true.
It is possible to fulfill our wishes too,
It is feasible to carry out our projects and make our dreams come true.
We just need to be connected to the right frequency,
You just have to make wise decisions,
You just have to be diligent.
Thank the Lord who is able to accomplish everything.
Job, 42:2 – I recognize that you can do everything, And that nothing opposes your thoughts.
Job in all his suffering knew that God is faithful.
He knew the God he worshiped.
Even though he lost everything, God is great and one day the Lord will visit him.
God is the beginning, he is the end.
Nothing resists him, nothing offends him, he always does what he says, his words are yes and Amen.
No matter the enemy’s schedule,
no matter what the devil plans, his agenda has no value before our Dad, his works are null and void.
If only we could marry the thought of God, discernment will probably be our share.
hello to us
Have a good day

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