My Month Of Sharing ! He13:16

The fact that we can wake up every day makes us think that it is normal,
The fact that we are healthy gives us pride and we think it is because we play sports and eat well.
The fact that we can see, hear or speak, we tell ourselves that we are better.
The truth is that we have value in the eyes of God and that His grace is sufficient for us.
We may think that we deserve all this privilege because we have a satisfactory social status, or special influence.
It is God’s grace.
How many are bedridden?
How many are paralysed, blind, dumb or deaf?
How many are dead?
How many are beggars?
While we have our provider, our redeemer, our protector at our side?
How many times that night Peter and his friends went the extra mile to try to catch fish.
Surely they had orders,
Surely they had problems to solve after selling their goods,
Surely they had made promises to their families.
The Bible tells us that they were experienced, professional fishermen, they relied on their ability, their expertise, their professional secrecy but nothing worked.
Discouraged, angry, annoyed, disappointed, they decided to return because the work was not fruitful.
The word of God tells us that as they were about to go home to rest, Jesus came in.
He wanted to encourage them, he wanted to show them that it is still possible, he wanted to share with them the mysteries of the deep.
Surely the Lord wanted to draw their attention to the fact that they did not have the assurance of men but had a sure support.
They may have been specialists, but they were just the technicians on the edge, those who were content, those who were afraid to take risks.
Then Jesus let them know that heaven was open, grace was available, they just had to go a little further, to go into deep water, to take another step.
And the result was thrilling.
Beloved, did Peter and his unbelieving friends there deserve this favour from God, surely not because doubt was in their hearts but when Yaweh releases grace, the anointing flows, the oil overflows, the blessings flow.
That is what we have come to say this morning, that it is our responsibility to activate the grace of God in our lives.
It’s up to us and only us.
Romans, 5:2 – to whom we owe access to this grace by faith, in which we stand firm, and we glory in the hope of the glory of God.
Fast and pray that God’s grace will remain active in your life.
Jesus has justified us, so let us rejoice.
It is the hope of Jesus that makes us proud.
And we must know that we have no limits, we are able to get anything we want by faith because grace is there to extend our limits.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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