My Month Of Prayers ! 1Pe4:7

Even more today, we want to thank you for making us understand that we need to be together for prayer.
We have neglected this concept so much, we have despised our brothers so much, we always see that they have nothing to contribute to us, that we are better, we can manage alone.
Not having collective interests within our assembly breaks the communion and creates an atmosphere of heaviness in the service.
We must also know that there is a collective grace that is released when we pray together.
In this year, let us no longer reject prayer meetings, let us no longer neglect them, let us no longer abandon them.
This does not benefit us.
We can pray alone and God listens to us, but the Bible reminds us that there is also the principle of two or three abiding together in the name of the Lord.
In this case, there is collective grace, the prayer is powerful, it is effective and it is answered.
Alone we go fast, but together we go further, we are more motivated and we also benefit from the shower of blessing from the whole assembly.
Jeremiah, 29:12 – You will call on me, and you will go; you will pray to me, and I will hear you.
Pray with your brothers and sisters in your congregation.
This verse is still relevant today.
The Lord through the prophet Jeremiah spoke to the people of Judah who were captives in Babylon, urging them to return to him.
They were unwilling to turn to God in their time of need.
In spite of their resistance, God still called them with mercy, he was prepared that if the people prayed sincerely, he would listen.
If they sought him with all their heart, he would let himself be found.
No matter what our condition, the Lord wants us to always be praying and calling on Him.
Let us just know that the Lord is faithful to answer all those who seek Him with an honest heart.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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