My Month of Fidelity!1Co4:2

We used to say Lord breeze us, make us what you want, in your rectitude and your rigor, mold us, model us, build us, build us, educate us …
We are ready to receive you, we are ready to submit and listen to you.
Where you bring us is better than where we want to be, then, give direction.
A day like this, God is clear and clear, he does not go around four ways to tell us about an essential condition for dealing with him.
So he does not want us to think we can do anything and everything because his love is great.
He is a God of equilibrium, who has principles; to flirt with him, we have rules to follow.
He is faithful, he makes promises and keeps them.
He always reassures himself that everything he says is accomplished.
He is perfect, no doubt, no task, he knows who he is, he knows his punch and we are happy to be his children because he is always there for us.
But one thing he wants to tell us this morning, the third day of the fidelity month, is that to operate in his hallway, we must * stick to our commitments *
God is aware that he exposes us, that he reveals our weaknesses but he invites us out of this prison.
How much are we respecting our commitments?
How many couples are separated and broken because of the missed commitments?
How many parents have promised their children that if they were better at school, they would offer them a great vacation?
How many directors honor their words given to salespeople after a good contract?
How many people have vowed to the Lord and have not redeemed them?
How many candidates in the elections have projects of society that they make shine to the people?
How many committed themselves before the Father to serve him and compromised?
Where do our promises come from?
What commitment do we have in our churches today?
We are always quick to talk, to promise, we often make unfounded commitments that exceed us in size to please, to make us see the public, to brag as we go straight to drift.
The commitments, once taken, are sacred.
God is calling us to a true commitment to respecting his rules.
He refuses emotions in engagements because the emotion is not sustainable, it is ephemeral, it is light, it is a momentary, present, temporary feeling.
He expects from us a commitment of conviction, of alliance.
This is why he says that if we love him with all our heart and soul, he will bless us.
To be a Christian is to be devoted, to have duties and to respect them, to maintain them.
When our commitment is true and sincere, we are not obliged to do it, we do not run after to honor them.
If we want to know the Lord, let us be committed people, there are fights and decisions that God can not yet lead for us because he does not see our commitment.
Wake up and we will see that nothing is impossible to God.
Pray to become faithful to your commitment.
Proverbs 20:25 – It is a snare for man to take a sacred commitment lightly, and to think only after having made a vow.
Hello people of God.
Have a good day.

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