My Month Of Intimacy With The Lord! He4:16

We all think we’re stuck in the things of God.
Just because we recite two or three Bible verses, just because we have had a revelation, just because we know the Bible stories, no one can teach us anything anymore.
God’s business here is complicated.
Knowledge is acquired every day, we must go into deep water at all times.
We think we have seen it all, heard it all.
We think we already have the necessary experiences that allow us to conclude on our abilities.
Pierre and his colleagues went fishing all night but found nothing.
Here are savvy men, experts who were confused in their field, they thought they had everything under control, they knew that the night was a good time for fishing and they had quality nets for quality work.
In the morning, they are putting away their tools, they have to go home empty-handed but Jesus comes on the scene, takes an interest in their work and puts them back to work.
But Peter reminds Jesus of their talent, their effort, their difficulty and even their disappointment, but he still decides to obey the instruction.
After hard work, no results, a sad failure, they lend their boat to Jesus, they allow the Lord to preach the word, he lets him do his teaching, give knowledge to others.
Right after, Jesus gives an instruction and Peter obeys on the word of God.
How many of us limit ourselves to Sunday worship?
How many choose to touch their Bibles once a week rather than seek their daily bread?
We must understand that the more we seek God, the better the results of our activities.
Let’s not be superficial Christians, the spirit of God, the presence of the Lord is in the depths.
It is there that there is abundance, the miracle.
Jesus invites us to humility, let us lower the pride, the rebellion of our hearts and go to meet God.
Peter listened to the voice of the one who is the way and he had his miracle and us?
What voice are we listening to?
Peter listened to the voice of the one who is the way and he had his miracle and us?
What voice are we listening to?
What word has taken root in us?
It is time to ask ourselves and ask ourselves where are we?
And it is only intimacy with the Lord that will allow us to decode the stages of our lives, it is the revealed word that will lead us to green pastures.
Hosea, 6:6 – For I love godliness and not sacrifices, And the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.
Fast and pray to grow in the knowledge of God.
God expects love and knowledge from us and not external sacrifices.
Jesus is not there to condemn, he wants to show mercy.
It is useless to make sacrifices to expect merits, he wants the obedience of the commandments, the sacrifice demanded by his love.
There is no love without sacrifice.
Piety, mercy is for others and sacrifice for oneself.
The knowledge of God is worth more gold than the burnt offerings of animals.
Let’s go back into the secret and let Jesus fill the vessel that we are.
hello to us
Have a good day

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