My Month Of Investment! Eccl11:1

We tend to run away from difficulties and run for the easy.
Faced with a trial, we prefer to give up rather than face it.
God wants us to assume our responsibilities, to be persevering because faith triumphs over battles.
Let’s not give up for the slightest obstacle, let’s move forward and stay firm.
Before reaching the promised land, we have to face the desert.
It is tenacity in our difficult times that opens doors to the next level.
It was surely difficult for Abraham when God asked him for his son as a sacrifice.
Imagine how this man felt to learn what his God wanted of him.
It was a bitter period, moments of pain but the servant of God had to remain firm and to have confidence in his Father.
It was Abraham’s obedience that earned him the title of man of faith, one who trusted in the Lord.
Can we imagine what Abraham was going through as he raised the knife to his son of promise?
After years of waiting, after sighs, after quarrels, he saw his reward and the Lord made him the Father of nations.
Adversity should not take us out of the trajectory planned by God on the contrary, we must count on the Lord to overcome everything.
Joshua was chosen by the Lord to conquer Canaan.
The Lord knew that Joshua needed support, encouragement, help.
He took care to emphasize his recommendations to the young servant of Moses.
Yaweh makes Joshua understand to hang on despite the jolts, he urges the young man not to worry and above all not to turn away from the word of God.
Joshua was a prophet who did not see his word fall, he led the people of Israel to the promised land.
Also, Anne’s story makes us understand that we must not let the difficulties of life swallow us up.
Penina made fun of Anne’s sterility so much that the latter rededicated herself, she set herself apart to touch the heart of God.
She had a broken heart but her wish opened the gates of heaven to her.
No matter our suffering, let’s not stop.
Moving forward.
John, 12:24 – Verily, verily, I say unto you, unless the grain of wheat that has fallen into the earth dies, it remains alone; but if he dies, he bears much fruit.
Fast and pray to be able to endure the hardships necessary for your elevation.
We have to accept losing to have our blessings.
You have to die to live.
Leave pride, faults, weaknesses for the glory of God to be manifest.
We must die, submit, let ourselves be broken so that our new self will be frustrated, so that others can appreciate the hero in us.
It’s not easy to step aside because man likes to be honoured, but we have to manage to silence our impulses and let Jesus take all the place, let him reign.
That’s it, Jesus was mistreated, humiliated, crucified but he came back to life on the third day with songs of victory, with peace and joy.
The problems are just for a moment, the solution is just around the corner.
hello to us
Have a good day

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