My Month Of Opportunity! Eccl9:11

Let’s not make the mistake of Samson who after a victory would not run to hide in the presence of God but rather would take refuge in Delilah’s house.
This is what bothers us all, we want to do as we want, in our own strength, to give ourselves glory and to reject the commandments of God and his teachings.
Let’s pay attention to our society, values ​​are trivialized, evil is called good, divisions threaten families and we don’t want to serve God and stand firm.
Know that we need each other to support and encourage each other, we must pray for each other, we must share our knowledge with our brothers, it is a proof of love.
It is in unity that we are so blessed, not staying in our homes because we have been taken advantage of, let down, abused in churches, fellowship is vital.
It is in the presence of God that we can speak of covenant.
Let us persevere in celebrating our saviour.
Let us pray, it is in prayer that we can push back the enemy, it is there that we draw our strength, it is always from it that we receive all the fullness of the Holy Spirit.
Let us not be discouraged, persist, fight, stand firm, stand on the rock of our covenant with God.
Acts, 2:42 – They persevered in the teaching of the apostles, in fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
The opportunity to be in his presence must be seen as a privilege!
Praying together is strength.
The early assembly met regularly to learn the doctrine of the apostles, to break bread, and to pray.
Praying together builds us up and unites us in sharing the common faith and the Church has the responsibility to continue to transmit this teaching so that everyone can grasp the importance of the presence of God.
hello to us
Have a good day

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