My Month Of Opportunity! Eccl9:11

Reaping where we have not plowed is the grace of God,
Waking up in the morning is the grace of God,
The fact that we recover from an accident or a crash, it is the grace of God,
Having something to eat is always the grace of God,
Being blessed is the grace of God.
Do we think we deserve it more than others?
It is the Lord who offers it to us and he is gracious to whom he wills.
So let’s stop believing that all the privileges and favors that are on our way are because we are too strong or too qualified, or too eloquent…
It’s just the grace of God.
The grace of God is unmerited favor from the Lord.
It is just because the love of God always triumphs that it is always inclined to do us good.
Here is Jonah, a prophet whom God wants to use but who is still disobedient and arrogant.
He prefers to take a path contrary to that recommended by the Eternal.
The Bible tells us of the setbacks that the people with whom Jonah travels will suffer.
The sea will roar till it threatens to swallow them for a man’s pride.
What interests us is that Jonah will be thrown into the sea and swallowed by a large fish.
Why wasn’t he devoured?
Why did the Lord allow his servant to stay there for three nights?
Why wasn’t he devoured?
Why did the Lord allow his servant to stay there for three nights?
Is it normal to survive in this kind of environment?
What about smells?
The word of God still tells us that Jonah spent time there.
And when he resolved to comply with the instructions of the Lord, the Father spoke to the fish to vomit him up.
Beloved, when grace is available, testimonies follow.
It was the grace of God that wrapped and protected Jonah in the belly of the fish.
Of himself, could he get out of the fish?
God chose to leave him alive to make Jonah understand that everything can stop at any time and if he was able to be alive, it is his grace.
So let us know how to take advantage of the grace that the Lord offers us.
2 Corinthians, 6:1 – Since we work with God, we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.
Fast and pray to be able to appreciate the grace that is offered to you.
If we work with God and in his presence, let us in no way neglect his benefits.
The sacrifice on the Lord’s cross was too great, we are a chosen race in his eyes and it is our responsibility to showcase the grace of God in our lives through our behaviors and the purity of our hearts.
Are we aware of the grace of God in our daily life?
Let’s think about this question.
hello to us
Have a good day

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