My Month Of Perspicacity ! 2Tim2:7

Our instruction for the day is caution
Yes, let’s be careful as snakes.
This is Jesus’ advice to us.
In our knowledge of men, in our conduct, in our choice of means, let us be on our guard and it is no coincidence that Jesus took the serpent as an example to speak of prudence.
The snake is renowned for its prudence, its discretion, its tact, its precautions, its adaptability is impeccable.
He quickly conveys situations when approached.
When he feels threatened, he stands on the lookout and strikes otherwise he flees.
We have Jesus, he dwells in us and Satan, who is the serpent knows that if we are attached to the Vine, his bites, his venom, his burns are null and void.
Let’s not get carried away by recklessness, let’s not end up in dangerous things, let’s not take anything lightly.
The Lord invites us to discernment.
In the parable of ten virgins, five used wisdom, they took away enough oil in case their lamp might go out at the arrival of the master when the other five foolish ones were not predictable, foreseen.
Prudence must be the weapon of the Christian’s life in the world,
The snake is hated by all but it inspires respect because we know it to be dangerous.
Prudence is having a spirit of discernment in all circumstances.
Let’s not be naive, pay attention to everything that is happening around us, let’s be awake.
Matthew, 10:16 – Behold, I am sending you as sheep among wolves. So be wise like serpents, and simple like doves.
Pray to practice caution at all times.
Prudence is a quality, the spirit of the one who foresees, calculates the consequences of a situation.
It was because David was careful that Saul did not kill him.
Beloveds, to be able this end of the year, we are urged to be extra careful.
hello to us
Have a good day

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