My Month Of Perspicacity ! 2Tim2:7

When we are swaying, we are not posed.
The things around us intimidate us, we are torn between following God and relying on seduction.
It’s important to be sons.
Peter saw Jesus walking on water, he wanted to do the same.
The Bible tells us that the Lord gave him the power to do so but the doubt, the outside voices dominated him and he fell.
Beloved, when we are still wrong, we are unbelievers, fools.
Jesus had told his children that he was going to die and he would rise again on the third day.
He told them that he will rebuild his church in three days when it is destroyed but that did not prevent his disciples from entering the dance of the world.
Why do you seek the living among the dead?
Just because we are with Jesus but don’t know him, the familiarity can reduce the anointing and it has become ordinary.
In any case, the Bible says in Isaiah, 26:3 – To him who is firm in his feelings You assure peace, peace, Because he trusts in you.
Pray not to waver in visitation decisions.
When we are confident, convinced, the Lord offers us the peace that is neither temporary, nor artificial, nor the product of a man.
The peace that the Lord gives is perfect, sure, permanent in all circumstances.
Whatever the world gives us is fleeting, we are invited to taste the inner peace that lasts forever, let’s just place our trust in God.
The Lord is speaking in this verse to a person who has a steady heart, who is not suited to the vain things of Egypt.
To this person, Yaweh promises us prosperity, well-being and health.
My brothers, lean on Jesus, and we will have his calming presence.
The peace we speak of is a deep sense of security when we are in distress, a peace that surpasses all human intelligence.
Help us, Father, to trust you and to remain closed in our feelings.
Thank you for the peace you give us when we choose to trust you, Dad.
hello to us
Have a good day

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