My Month Of Joy! Ps30:11

Beloved, we too can become influential people who have the ability to bring joy and hope to those around us.
We are not God but we can be used and impacted by the Lord to affect the nations.
The Bible tells us that a Gentile woman became an evangelist.
Samaria was at odds with the Jews,
they were two opposing peoples so they couldn’t even think of a project together, or even share a plate of food.
Everyone was on guard.
One day, Jesus is on his way to Galilee through Samaria.
There he felt tired and had to take a break, right in front of Jacob’s well.
While he is sitting, a woman from Samaria comes to draw water, the Lord asks her for a drink but the woman is hesitant,
She is surprised that a Jew would speak to her and ask her for something.
Beloved, this encounter was a divine arrangement,
the request for water was just a pretext.
When the Lord wants to establish peace and restore love in hearts, He uses even enemies.
The story tells us that heaven arranged for the disciples to go into town to buy provisions, anything that might be a block to God’s glory went away and Jesus was left alone with the Samaritan woman.
Jesus insists that the woman agrees to give him water.
He lets her know that if she had the discernment, she would even ask for a drink.
So Jesus does not stop, she too is curious to discover the mysterious person before her.
The Samaritan woman finally agrees to receive water that will no longer make her thirsty,
of that water which gives eternal life,
water that will become a source of water.
Jesus simply offers the woman joy, grace, rest, and it is free.
This is how the woman understands Jesus’ offer and opens up to a new perspective of life.
Later, the Bible tells us that Jesus continued to speak to her, to reveal the hidden things of his life.
At one point, the one who was reserved,
the one who was suspicious, the one who operated under the law,
the one who served other gods, became a child of God, she experienced the new birth.
She met the Lord and the anointing and the deposit that were dormant in her were awakened, the fire in her began to boil.
She ran to tell the city about Jesus,
she went to proclaim the word of God to her brothers and became an evangelist who brought many to the Lord.
Becoming is a process,
becoming is a privilege.
She transformed the lives of those who were living in darkness, she offered them a safe haven, a refuge that no one can give them.
She carried the good news in her.
Luke, 2:10 – But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for I bring you good news of great joy for all the people:
Pray to become the bearer of good news.
There is no need to be afraid when it is the Lord who gives us a mission.
The Lord uses us as bearers of good news for his glory,
to deliver the captives and restore lives.
Joy is a fruit of the spirit and it is the Lord who is our only guarantee for our joy.
So let us be willing and give glory to the Lord.
Good morning to all
Good day to you

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