My Month Of Prosperity! 3Jn1:2

Weee Lord, you love to ask things of us, don’t you?
You know we’re fragile, weak human beings, full of self-interest, but you forbid us to be jealous of the prosperity of people who don’t know you, who don’t serve you, who don’t pray to you but who prosper and still laugh at us.
You invite us to pray that we will not find ourselves in this situation.
Ikiiiii Jesus….
We can only hear you, Dad.
We want to tell you that we understand, but sometimes, Lord, it’s hard, it’s difficult to be at your feet to negotiate a deal, a trip, a wedding, and next to us we have the sorcerers who achieve success without effort, without conditions, and sometimes without fasting or prayer.
You are a just God, and you bless those who apply your principles.
When you send rain, it’s for everyone, but not all the land produces in the same way.
We must also recognise that jealousy is not something to be encouraged, each of us has a destiny, to want what the other has is to deny the justice of our Father.
We have also seen what jealousy can do to us; it gets us into trouble.
Abel and Cain made an offering to God.
God accepted Abel’s offering and rejected Cain’s. Jealousy drove Cain to kill his brother Abel.
We must therefore be careful that sin does not lie at our doors,
we must constantly be presenting our hearts to the Lord.
The wicked person is the one who does us harm, the one who does not put the word of God into practice,
He is the one who walks according to his flesh, but it is possible that in his wickedness, everything succeeds and the Lord allows it.
One day David protected Nabal’s flock, he did him good with his team and at a time of difficulty, of famine.
David asked Nabal for help in the middle of the festivities and Nabal scorned him, rejected him and belittled him.
In anger, David wanted to kill him, but his wife Abigail intervened.
All this to say that Nabal’s wealth and prosperity were not envied by David; on the contrary, he took care of them so that he wouldn’t lose his flock.
It’s complicated to have Jesus with us while others enjoy the fruits and the abundance, but let’s trust in the Lord and stay connected to him so that the serpent doesn’t corrupt our spirit and our thoughts.
Psalms, 49:17 – Don`t be afraid because a man becomes rich, Because the treasures of his house multiply;
Pray that you don’t feel jealous when the wicked one prospers.
Do we know how others get rich?
Do we know their commitments?
Are we sure they are following in the footsteps of the Lord?
Those with money are bold,
they dare,
they think they have no limits to rise to the top, but let us not be afraid when the works of their hands are blessed.
Let us not be intimidated by the assets of others,
let them not influence us and doubt our God.
Let us know that God is faithful and has more real things in store for us.
Good day to you all
Good day to you all

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