My Month Of Justice! Mal4:2

Salvation is for everyone, no one is excluded in the heart of God.
The Bible tells us that “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.
Beloved, those who fear the Lord, whatever their nation or race, must be accepted into the kingdom.
In his infinite goodness, God makes no distinction,
no favouritism between people.
Whatever the colour of our skin
our culture,
our social success, rich or poor,
we have the same Saviour who shed his precious blood on the cross of Golgotha to deliver us and forgive us of all sin.
We must understand that the Lord has no preference for anyone. He does not make decisions based on his choice of people. Rather, his decisions are based on justice and mercy.
He has the same love for all his creatures.
Acts, 10:34 – Then Peter opened his mouth and said, “Truly I know that God is no respecter of persons,
The Lord is an impartial and absolutely righteous God!
God does not discriminate in the way we men do; it is enough for us to be showered with gifts or to have our interests staked for our judgement to be influenced.
But we need to know that God doesn’t work the way we do,
it’s the same treatment according to our attitudes and behaviour.
The Lord demonstrated his impartiality when he arranged for the apostle Peter, a Jew, to preach the good news to Cornelius and other Gentiles.
Without prejudice, there is no discrimination.
So let’s stop thinking that God has preferences when things don’t seem to work the way they do for others.
Good day to you all
Good day to you

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